Training Providers

Woman looking at reference books

This page lists training providers offering training for children and family service practitioners in Oxfordshire, along with signposting to national resources and high quality e-learning resources.

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Oxfordshire Holiday Activity Fund HAF

Training is provided for all Oxfordshire Holiday Activity Fund HAF Providers.

Register as an Oxfordshire Holiday Activity Fund HAF provider.

Oxfordshire Safeguarding Children Board

The Oxfordshire Safeguarding Children Board (OSCB) offer offer free face-to-face and online training on a variety of safeguarding topics. This includes safeguarding courses suitable for all adults working with children, as well as themed training on diverse topics like Child Sexual Exploitation, E-Safety, Substance Misuse, Self Harm and more.

They also offer online e-safety courses via the online virtual college which can be completed at your own convenience.


Oxfordshire Community and Voluntary Action offer training for volunteers, trustees and staff working in voluntary, community and non-profit organisations across Oxfordshire and beyond.


Oxfordshire's charity which supports young victims of crime offers training to professionals around Protective Behaviours, Building Respectful Families (Child on Parent Violence) and Restorative practice.


Preventing vulnerable adults and children from being drawn into extremism is a safeguarding concern. It is essential that frontline staff are able to spot the signs and make a safeguarding referral. Online training is available to support practitioners to identify people who may be vulnerable to radicalisation:

Minded E-Learning

MindEd is a free educational resource on children, young people, adults and older people’s mental health. It includes structured E-learning for professionals as well as courses parents and carers. It is a Department of Health resources created by a broad partnership of professional organisations, aimed at anyone from beginner through to specialist. The Parents information includes very useful quick guides, with resources like worksheets and information sheets.

 Research in Practice

Research in Practice bridges the gaps between research, practice and service users’ lived experiences to improve practice and ultimately outcomes for children and families. It includes e-learning modules, research and policy briefings, videos, research documents, webinars, events and more; you can also subscribe to case law  and policy updates. If you are employed by a local authority or another organisation that is already a Partner of Research in Practice then you can create an account that can access all resources. You can also join, as an organisation or an individual.

Record managed by Activities Oxfordshire

Page last reviewed: 18/03/2024

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